
July 10th, 2020: How to Create a Home Office

Are you unproductive at home? Can’t seem to focus? Here are some tips on making the most of your remote workspace. 

  1. Have a dedicated work area. If possible, keep this area out of the bedroom, but in a space with few distractions. A headset is a good idea too. We recommend this one from Logitech.
  2. Make a list of tasks and goals for the day. This will help you from getting distracted during the day. 
  3. Get regular exercise. Use the time you’d normally drive to work to go for a walk or do some yoga. Staying active helps keep the mind focused and at ease. 
  4. Stay in contact with colleagues. While it may seem like you’re working alone, a collaboration tool like Microsoft Teams can keep you connected.
  5.  Investing in a comfortable table and chair can keep neck and back pain away.
Picture of Julia Massaro

Julia Massaro

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